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Critical Sustainability. Seminartipp SoSe 2022.

The course „Critical Sustainability“ provides a digital space to learn, reflect, discuss and take action together. The participants will jointly analyze existing power relations as well as society-nature relations and democratize them. The participants will broaden their understanding of sustainability through various interactive, artistic and group-dynamic formats. For this they engage in individual work as well as group work to jointly reflect and analyze the reciprocal relations between technology, individuals, nature, society and democracy. This will be the basis for their contribution to a socio-ecological transformation of society through individual and collective action.

The online-course starts on April 05, 2022. Meeting hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14-16 h. The course is open for students from all facultys of any university. To sign up just join the first session (registration). Achievable are 6 ECTS. Therfore, please contact your student advisory service first bevor registration.

Course Link with detailed informationen on the Website of the TU Berlin