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RUB Schools > The funding program

The funding program

The interdisciplinary RUB Schools are intended to strengthen and expand interdisciplinary teaching at RUB. To this end, up to 40,000 euros in quality improvement funds can be made available to the faculties each year as part of a competitive call for proposals.

What is funded?

The interdisciplinary RUB Schools are a special teaching format. They focus on interdisciplinary topics and offer the space to work on the important and urgent ecological, socio-political and technical challenges of our time.

The interdisciplinary RUB Schools are designed as block courses in the lecture-free period and offer both Bachelor and Master students a multidisciplinary, application- and competence-oriented learning scenario.

Please design your interdisciplinary RUB School in such a way that it remains creditable for students of different degree programs. This requires that you offer different (graded) examination formats to enable flexible crediting.

Do you have a good idea for SoSe 2024 or beyond?

We look forward to ideas and concepts from all disciplines, especially interdisciplinary joint applications. We expressly welcome projects that enrich the new RUB Sustainability Certificate with their topics. Also welcome: internationally oriented virtual-exchange formats (e.g. within the framework of UNIC cooperations).

What funding criteria are used as a basis for the funding assessment?

(1) The topic has a clearly recognizable interdisciplinary focus. The focus should be on the cooperative use of models, ways of thinking and methods from different disciplines.

(2) The concept has a convincing interdisciplinary didactics and methodology that enables interdisciplinary learning by students from different disciplines along the topic.

(3) The RUB School has a wide range of subjects (Bachelor and Master). They are designed for 30 participating students and offer flexible crediting with adapted examination results.

Who can apply for funding?

Teachers from all faculties and academic institutions at RUB can apply for funding. The Ruhr University has a great interest in strengthening interfaculty and interdisciplinary cooperation in teaching. Joint applications from different teaching units / faculties will therefore be given preferential consideration.

By submitting an application, lecturers undertake to take responsibility for and actively shape the planning and implementation of the RUB School in their teaching.

TIP! Plan the RUB School into your teaching commitments. Clarify this with your faculty/teaching unit in good time.

What funding is available for a RUB School?

An interdisciplinary RUB School is supported with a fixed amount of 4,000 euros from quality improvement funds. Joint applications are funded with an additional 1,000 euros per co-applicant. The funds are allocated to a corresponding account of the lead teaching unit/faculty.

As the funds are awarded as a fixed sum to the teaching unit carrying out the project, no calculation of the costs needs to be submitted with the application.

Please note! The funding of a RUB School does not fall under the 2/3 rule for the expenditure and accounting of quality improvement funds. The funds are earmarked and must be used for the planning and implementation of the RUB School.

What does the application and award procedure look like?

Applications can be submitted to the program coordinator Birgit Frey at any time (see contact and advice). For timely approval, applications for a Summer School should be submitted by November 30 of the previous year and applications for a Winter School by May 31 of the same year.

Please note! When completing the form, please adhere to the specified character limits. Other attachments will not be considered. Outline the project in its essential elements (disciplinary references, structure, methodology, target groups, examination formats, etc.), refrain from in-depth academic classification and sources in the thematic classification of your interdisciplinary RUB Schools.

Send the completed application signed by you and your dean of studies by e-mail to Birgit Frey.

The panel of deans of studies will discuss the applications received and make a recommendation to the Rectorate, which will decide on the funding. The Center for Academic Didactics can be consulted for the didactic evaluation of the applications. The fulfillment of the funding criteria is decisive for the approval and allocation of funds.

Contact and advice

I look forward to receiving your applications and will be happy to advise you!

Birgit Frey, Program coordination
GAFO 04/914, Tel: 0234/32-29223, E-Mail: